With Jesus’ Ascension, we thankfully don’t have to travel to Jerusalem to see Him. Jesus promises that He has not left us. He reveals to us where He is present and that is in the Means of Grace. The Means of Grace is the Word and Sacraments (Baptism and Holy Communion). In the Divine Service, the Means of Grace can be seen in the service as two mountain tops. The first mountain top is the sermon where Jesus comes to us through His Word. The second mountain top is the service of Holy Communion. Thanks to modern technology, this first mountain top is shared online.
Eleventh Sunday after Trinity – Pr. Anderson sermon St. Luke 18:9-14 “God, Be Merciful to Me, a Sinner” August 20, 2023 | Christ Lutheran Church In Nomine Iesu + + + Lord God, heavenly Father, we beseech You so to guide and direct us by Your Holy Spirit, that we may not forget our sins and be filled with pride, but continue…
Tenth Sunday after Trinity – Pr. Anderson sermon St. Luke 19:41-48 “Jesus Cleanses Your Heart by Faith in His Holy Word” August 13, 2023 | Christ Lutheran Church In Nomine Iesu + + + Almighty and everlasting God, by Your Holy Spirit You have revealed to us the Gospel of Your Son, Jesus Christ: We beseech You so to enliven our hearts…
Ninth Sunday after Trinity – Pr. Anderson sermon St. Luke 16:1-9 “God has Hired You for the Management of His Possessions.” August 6, 2023 | Christ Lutheran Church In Nomine Iesu + + + Lord God, heavenly Father, who appointed us all as Your stewards, grant that we may not waste the goods entrusted to us, but rightly employ them, and with…
Eighth Sunday after Trinity – Pr. Anderson sermon St. Matthew 7:15-23 “Your Shepherd Warns and Protects You from the Wolves.” July 30, 2023 | Christ Lutheran Church In Nomine Iesu + + + Almighty Father, who by Your Son Jesus Christ taught us to beware of false prophets: Have mercy upon Your Church, we beseech You, to deliver it from all evil;…
7th Sunday after Trinity – Pr. Anderson sermon St. Mark 8:1-9 “Christ Satisfies Your Hunger, You Lack Nothing.” July 23, 2023 | Christ Lutheran Church In Nomine Iesu + + + Lord God, heavenly Father, in the wilderness by Your Son You abundantly fed four thousand men, besides women and children, with seven loaves and a few small fish: We beseech You,…
6th Sunday after Trinity – Pr. Anderson sermon St Matthew 5:20-26 “Christ Gives You the Gift of His Righteousness.” July 16, 2023 | Christ Lutheran Church In Nomine Iesu + + + Lord God, heavenly Father, we confess that we are poor, wretched sinners, and that there is no good in us; our hearts, flesh and blood being so corrupted by sin…
5th Sunday After Trinity – Pr. Anderson sermon Psalm 51:15-17 “The Lord Opens Your Lips to Declare His Praises.” July 9, 2023 | Christ Lutheran Church, Klamath Falls, OR In Nomine Iesu + + + Oh Lord God, Heavenly Father, we come before you in thanksgiving, that you have blessed the members of Christ Lutheran Church with a pastor to serve and…