Unlike the secular calendar, which begins its year on January 1, the Christian Church begins the celebration of its liturgical year four Sundays before Christmas with the season of Advent. The word “Advent” comes from a Latin word and means “coming.” During Advent we especially prepare our hearts for the coming of our Lord at Christmas; however we reflect upon other comings of Jesus as Well. In the first week of Advent we hear of His coming as Messiah, then during the second week we focus on His Second Coming as Judge and in the third week we hear of His present coming in Word and Sacrament. The fourth week of Advent finalizes our preparation for Christmas. Thus, Advent is a time of reflection and repentance, but also hope.
-Laache: Book of Family Prayer (p. 18)
Fourth Sunday in Advent – Pr. Anderson sermon St. John 1:19-28 “Make Straight the Way of the Lord” December 24, 2023 | Christ Lutheran Church In Nomine Iesu + + + Lord God, heavenly Father, it is good and right that we should give thanks to You, that You have given us a glorious baptism like that of John the Baptist, and…